New York University (NYU) was founded in 1831. Today, NYU is the largest private, not for profit university in the USA. NYU has over 50,000 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled. Recently, NYU opened a campus in Abu Dhabi. NYU is ranked in the top 50 of all universities world-wide by ranking panels. NYU has four Nobel Laureates affiliated at one time or another with the university.

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Lemurs use long-term memory, smell, and social cues to find food

How do foraging animals find their food? A new study by New York University researchers shows that lemurs use smell, social cues, and long-term memory to locate hidden fruit—a combination of factors that may have deep evolutionary ...

How politicizing migration harms health

Politicians around the world are increasingly mobilizing anti-immigrant sentiment to garner support and votes—a trend that is especially evident as the US presidential election approaches.

A protein that enables smell in ants—and stops cell death

While smell plays a considerable role in the social interactions of humans—for instance, signaling fear or generating closeness—for ants, it is vitally important. Researchers from New York University and the University ...

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