Spin filtering at room temperature with graphene

An interdisciplinary team of scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have reported the first demonstration of metallic spin filtering at room temperature using ferromagnet-graphene-ferromagnet thin film junction ...

NRL completes first flight of UAV with custom hydrogen fuel cell

Researchers from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory's chemistry and tactical electronic warfare divisions completed the first flight of the Ion Tiger unmanned air vehicle with a new hydrogen-powered fuel cell built in-house.

Astrophysicists probe theory of black-hole accretion

Utilizing the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), one of the most powerful telescopes in the world, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) astrophysicist Dr. Tracy Clarke and an international team of researchers ...

NRL completes ICEX2016 expedition, mapping of Arctic ice

A team of U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) scientists from the Marine Geoscience Division have concluded a month-long sea-ice research expedition as part of the Navy's March 2016 ICe Exercise (ICEX) designed to develop ...

Study reveals novel uniform coating process of p-ALD

Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have devised a clever combination of materials—when used during the thin-film growth process—to reveal that particle atomic layer deposition, or p-ALD, deposits a ...

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