The night life: Why we need bats all the time

The sight of bats hanging upside down in creepy caves or fleeing in fluttery flocks from their subterranean haunts at dusk like "bats out of hell" may spook even the most rational, otherwise unflappable observer.

A spider web's strength lies in more than its silk

While researchers have long known of the incredible strength of spider silk, the robust nature of the tiny filaments cannot alone explain how webs survive multiple tears and winds that exceed hurricane strength.

Engineers use brain cells to power smart grid

( —The unmatched ability of the human brain to process and make sense of large amounts of complex data has caught the attention of engineers working in the field of control systems.

The physics of animation

From drawings to computer animation, the magic of cartoon movies allows audiences to explore a fantastical and imaginary world. To make animated characters life-like on the big-screen, the laws of physics have to be taken ...

Engineering and Music: A Powerful Duet for Art and Science

An engineer with a love of music, and a musician who likes technology, Mark Bocko and Dave Headlam are both professors at the University of Rochester. For more than ten years their collaboration has been moving both fields ...

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