Golden Nanotubes Detect Tumor Cells, Map Sentinel Lymph Nodes

( -- Biomedical researchers at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock have developed a special contrast-imaging agent made of gold-coated ...

Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Catalyze Brain Tumor Death

( -- Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago Medical Center’s Brain Tumor Center have developed a way to target brain cancer cells using ...

Magnetic Nanoworms and Nanocrystals Deliver siRNA to Tumors

( -- Small pieces of nucleic acid known as short interfering RNAs, or siRNAs, can turn off the production of specific proteins, a property that makes them one of the more promising new classes of anticancer drugs ...

New Cancer Drug Delivery System Is Effective and Reversible

For cancer drug developers, finding an agent that kills tumor cells is only part of the equation. The drug also must spare healthy cells, and ideally its effects will be reversible to cut short any potentially dangerous side ...

Tumors Feel the Deadly Sting of Nanobees

When bees sting, they pump into their victims a peptide toxin called melittin that destroys cell membranes. Now, by encapsulating this extremely potent molecule within a nanoparticle, researchers at the Washington University ...

Antibody Replacements Just a 'Click' Away

Chemists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and The Scripps Research Institute (SRI) have developed an innovative technique to create cheap but highly stable chemicals that have the potential to take the ...

New Nanoparticles Could Revolutionize Therapeutic Drug Discovery

Understanding the structure of proteins is a vital first step in developing new drugs, but to date, researchers have had difficulty studying the large number of proteins that are normally embedded in the cell membrane, a ...

Monitoring Cancer Cell Changes With Quantum Dots

One of the earliest events that changes a normal cell into a malignant one is known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) hypermethylation, a biochemical alteration that inactivates critical tumor-suppressor genes. A team of investigators ...

Targeted Nanoparticles Boost Arsenic’s Anticancer Punch

Arsenic trioxide has a long history as a potent human poison, but it also has proven valuable as one of the primary treatment options for acute promyelocytic leukemia. Efforts to use arsenic trioxide to treat other types ...

Nanoparticles Image Breast Cancer

Current methods of detecting breast cancer suffer from low sensitivity, limited spatial resolution, or the need to use complicated and expensive radioisotope-based technologies. A new report from investigators at the Emory-Georgia ...

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