New Moon Rock Is Fit for a King

( -- People don't discover a new type of moon rock every day, so consider the odds of finding one rich in a mineral that England's King Henry V wore on his battle helmet. And then imagine spotting, right on the ...

New insight into how much atmosphere Mars lost

A key tracer used to estimate how much atmosphere Mars lost can change depending on the time of day and the surface temperature on the Red Planet, according to new observations by NASA-funded scientists. Previous measurements ...

Hubble captures brilliant star death in 'rotten egg' nebula

The Calabash Nebula, pictured here—which has the technical name OH 231.8+04.2—is a spectacular example of the death of a low-mass star like the sun. This image taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the star ...

Hubble rules out one alternative to dark energy

( -- Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have ruled out an alternate theory on the nature of dark energy after recalculating the expansion rate of the universe to unprecedented accuracy.

Image: Hubble spots squabbling galactic siblings

A dramatic triplet of galaxies takes center stage in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, which captures a three-way gravitational tug-of-war between interacting galaxies. This system—known as Arp 195—is ...

Video: NASA's guide to near-light-speed travel

So, you've just put the finishing touches on upgrades to your spaceship, and now it can fly at almost the speed of light. We're not quite sure how you pulled it off, but congratulations!

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