NASA to measure forest health from above

In places across the U.S., tree cover is shrinking—forests are burned by wildfires on the West Coast and drowned by rising sea levels along the East. From the ground, it's hard to assess the scale of the losses and the ...

Image: Hubble observes jellyfish galaxy JO201

A "jellyfish galaxy" with trailing tentacles of stars hangs in inky blackness in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. As jellyfish galaxies move through intergalactic space, gas is slowly stripped away forming ...

How NASA's Roman Space Telescope will rewind the universe

A new simulation shows how NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will turn back the cosmic clock, unveiling the evolving universe in ways that have never been possible before when it launches by May 2027. With its ability ...

Hubble captures movie of DART asteroid impact debris

In 2022 NASA embarked on a bold experiment to see if they could change an asteroid's velocity by smacking it with a ballistic probe—kind of like hitting it with a hammer. This experiment was to test a potential technique ...

Scientists estimate carbon stored in African dryland trees

Using commercial, high-resolution satellite images and artificial intelligence, an international team including NASA scientists mapped almost 10 billion individual trees in Africa's drylands in order to assess the amount ...

Hubble observes gravitational lens of a massive galaxy cluster

A massive galaxy cluster in the constellation Cetus dominates the center of this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This image is populated with a serene collection of elliptical and spiral galaxies, but galaxies ...

NASA to launch Israel's first space telescope

NASA will launch Israel's first space telescope mission, the Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT). ULTRASAT, an ultraviolet observatory with a large field of view, will investigate the secrets of short-duration ...

MAVEN status update

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft entered safe mode on Feb. 16 after encountering an issue with its Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), which measures the spacecraft rate of rotation for use in determining its pointing. The IMU had been ...

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