Eight steps to a stronger cybersecurity strategy

If there's an attack on the country, the military mobilizes. When a natural disaster strikes, recovery plans go into effect. Should an infectious disease start to spread, health officials launch a containment strategy.

How a small change will reduce distortion in measuring innovation

When your child is diabetic, a few minutes can make a big difference, and it pays to have real-time access to their blood sugar numbers. But what if no one sells a product that can do that? You build one, like the open-source ...

Alt-labor filling in where unions can't

Alt-labor describes the informal coalition of organizations that is pushing to advance workers' rights in the wake of decreased union membership.

Adaptive behavior, markets, and what it means for curing cancer

MIT Sloan finance professor Andrew Lo is working to solve global issues through his studies of financial markets. He's also applying his research on risk to a problem that's not quite as conventional for a financial scholar: ...

Are ride-hailing platforms keeping their drivers honest?

The rise of digital ride-hailing company Uber and its clashes with traditional taxi services is often cited as one of the classic stories of digital disruption, but is the platform also helping keep passengers from getting ...

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