A blue gem for greener fuel

(PhysOrg.com) -- Sapphire, a brilliant blue gemstone most familiar in jewelry, may soon play an important part in making coal a cleaner fuel source.

Robot provides 3-D images of dangerous locations

(PhysOrg.com) -- Soldiers and first responders may soon have a better way to evaluate the interior of dangerous structures, thanks to a joint project between Missouri University of Science and Technology and the University ...

Study: nanostructures hold promise as fast, tiny RRAM switches

(PhysOrg.com) -- Building microscopic materials known as superlattices on the surface of gold may lead to a treasure for researchers interested in faster, smaller, and more energy efficient computing devices, say researchers ...

Australian lakes may hold clues to life on Mars

(PhysOrg.com) -- By the time Curiosity, the next Mars Rover, launches in 2011, scientists on Earth will know more about the potential for life on Mars because of microorganisms that live in Australian lakes.

Researcher studies the universe through quantum electrodynamics

(PhysOrg.com) -- Fundamental constants, such as the standards for length and mass, are a given in our society. However, research has shown that these constants might be changing slightly with the expansion of the universe.

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