Can smartphones use less energy to browse the web?

Web browsing is one of the core applications on smartphones. After all, who hasn't checked Facebook or watched the latest news—or amusing cat videos—on their mobile phone? However, mobile browsers on smartphones are primarily ...

Meeting the data challenges of urban computing

Many people living in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong have a new habit: they check the air pollution index before venturing outside. Air quality has deteriorated rapidly in China, with nitrogen dioxide and particulate ...

The future of artificial intelligence

Only a few years ago, it would have seemed improbable to assume that a piece of technology could quickly and accurately understand most of what you say – let alone translate it into another language.

Microsoft Research project can interpret, caption photos

If you're surfing the web and you come across a photo of the Mariners' Felix Hernandez on the pitchers' mound at Safeco Field, chances are you'll quickly interpret that you are looking at a picture of a baseball player on ...

Big data tamed with the cloud

Big data: it's the hot topic these days, promising breakthroughs in just about every field, from medicine to marketing to machine learning and more. But for many of us, the problems of managing big data hit home when we confront ...

Beyond tapping and sliding

"The way we design computers today," Microsoft researcher Hong Tan says, "it would seem that people only use their eyes."

How might climate change affect our food supply?

It's no easy question to answer, but prudence demands that we try. Thus, Microsoft and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have teamed up to tackle "food resilience," one of several themes that make up the ...

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