Protecting bulk power systems from hackers

Reliability measures of electrical grid has risen to a new norm as it involves physical security and cybersecurity. Threats to either can trigger instability, leading to blackouts and economic losses.

Bears may hold key to osteoporosis treatment

All it takes is a few days of bed rest for human bones to start to weaken. Stretch that out many weeks, and we risk full-blown osteoporosis and its attendant woes of broken hips, wrists and vertebrae. Bears hibernate for ...

Multitasking proteins: Unexpected properties of galectin-3

A new study, published in Biochemistry this week, examines the biomechanics of sugar-seeking proteins. Specifically, it delves into galectin-3's interaction with glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and proteoglycans. Tarun Dam, an associate ...

Detecting cosmic rays from a galaxy far, far away

In an article published today in the journal Science, the Pierre Auger Collaboration has definitively answered the question of whether cosmic particles from outside the Milky Way Galaxy. The article, titled "Observation of ...

Climate Change, Acid Rain Could Be Good for Forests

( -- After more than 20 years of research in the northern hardwood forests of Michigan, scientists at Michigan Technological University's School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science have reached a surprising ...

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