Halos and dark matter: A recipe for discovery

About three years ago, Wolfgang "Wolfi" Mittig and Yassid Ayyad went looking for the universe's missing mass, better known as dark matter, in the heart of an atom.

Legendary bacterial evolution experiment enters new era

Michigan State University's renowned Long-Term Evolution Experiment—a remarkable 34-year biological drama in flasks, with bacteria competing for resources and fighting for dominance—is itself evolving.

Understanding the nature of big earthquakes

Songqiao "Shawn" Wei, an Endowed Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in the College of Natural Science at Michigan State University has been studying the earthquakes ...

How simulations could help get PFAS out of soil

Michigan State University chemists are discovering new information to help remediate "forever chemicals" by showing for the first time how they interact with soil at the molecular level.

Capturing carbon with crops, trees and bioenergy

An integrated approach to land management practices in the U.S. can reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere far more than earlier estimates based on separate approaches, Michigan State University researchers say. Their research ...

What guppy guts can teach us about evolution

On the list of scientific tools that help us understand health, evolution or the environment, the Trinidadian guppy doesn't often come to mind.

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