The role religion plays in workplace behavior

Understanding the relationship between religion and ethical decision-making is important for organizations with diverse workforces. While there is considerable research from a Christian perspective, the same is not true for ...

Crystal frameworks hold potential to deter pollution

Chemists at Massey University have created a hybrid crystal framework, which has the potential for applications in vehicle fuel storage, carbon dioxide removal from smokestacks and drug delivery.

Truth revealed in rare disaster theory

( -- Research that supports a theory that investors need to account for rare disasters when making decisions on the stockmarket has been accepted for publication in the international top journal in finance.

Driving force of volcanic super-hazards uncovered

Massey volcanologists have discovered the driving force behind superheated gas-and-ash clouds from volcanic eruptions, which may help save lives and infrastructure around the globe.

Exploring Galapagos snakes on volcanoes

Finding snakes in the Galapagos islands is a gargantuan undertaking, one that has lead Massey University's Dr. Luis Ortiz-Catedral to the summit of an active volcano.

Gendered expectations and workplace conflict

Massey University PhD graduate Jane Hurst studied the complicated relationships between women in the workplace – and found that women often have gendered expectations of each other.

Violence is a problem in the workplace, study shows

( -- A survey on the incidence of violence in the workplace has indicated that one in three employers have had problems with their staff being attacked or assaulted in the past year.

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