Laval University (Fr: Université Laval) is the oldest centre of education in Canada and was the first institution in North America to offer higher education in French. Its main campus is located in Quebec City, Quebec, the capital of the province, on the outskirts of the historic city. The university is ranked among the top ten Canadian universities in terms of research funding. The origins of the university are the Séminaire de Québec founded in 1668 by François de Laval, the first bishop of New France. Bishop Bourget of Montreal suggested interesting the Séminaire de Québec in the establishment of Université Laval. The Principal, M. Louis Casault, visited Europe to obtain a Royal charter, and studied the best university systems. The Séminaire de Québec was granted a Royal Charter on December 8, 1852, by Queen Victoria, at the instance of Lord Elgin, then governor-general, creating Université Laval with 'the rights and privileges of a university'. The charter was signed in 1852. Pope Benedict XV approved the scheme, and authorized the erection of chairs of theology and the conferring of degrees.

Quebec City, Québec, Canada

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Water temperature found to not impact blue-green algae blooms

Even if most cyanobacteria blooms in Canada's lakes happen during the hottest periods of summer, water temperature seems to have little to no impact on the development of these potentially toxic bacteria better known as blue-green ...

Scientists discover antibiotic resistance genes in clouds

The atmosphere is a large-scale dissemination route for bacteria carrying antibiotic-resistance genes. A research team from Université Laval and Université Clermont Auvergne has shown that these genes can be transported ...

Earthworms could be a threat to biodiversity

The humble earthworm may be a threat to plant diversity in natural ecosystems, says a study just published by researchers from Université Laval and Université de Sherbrooke. Their work found an association between the presence ...

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