Work-experience schoolboy discovers a new planet

A 15-yr-old schoolboy has discovered a new planet orbiting a star 1000 light years away in our galaxy. Tom Wagg was doing work-experience at Keele University when he spotted the planet by finding a tiny dip in the light of ...

Here's what the science says about animal sentience

There seems to be significant confusion about what happened in the British parliament when MPs discussed a proposed amendment to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill to formally recognise animal sentience. But where science is concerned, ...

How silicon protects against the toxicity of aluminium

Aluminium is arguably the planet's most significant ecotoxin. It is certainly its most abundant being the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Life on Earth as we know it today exists in spite of aluminium and ...

Keele astronomers push worldwide exoplanet tally over 1000

As reported by BBC News, the total number of extra-solar planets known through the efforts of worldwide astronomers has just passed 1000. Keele astronomers pushed it over that number by announcing 12 new planets from the ...

Curing blindness with stem cells – here's the latest science

In 2006, Nature published a paper describing how stem cells could be used to restore sight in blind mice. This study, and similar subsequent studies, created a lot of excitement about the potential of stem cells to cure blindness ...

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