Ships slide in an air envelope

Friction, corrosion, and biofilms are three major problems in shipping. The research project "Air-retaining Surfaces" (ARES) – a collaboration project of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the universities of Bonn ...

Highly economical LED street lights tested in practice

Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a novel, even more economical LED street light. They replaced conventional high-performance diodes by a special array of weaker LEDs and, thus, succeeded ...

Order hidden in disorder

Partitioning space into cells with optimum geometrical properties is a central challenge in many fields of science and technology. Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and colleagues from several countries ...

Quick charging system for E-bikes

The e-bike market is booming. Thanks to electric support, cyclists can choose their routes more freely, elderly people can stay mobile, and commuters reach their workplace stress-free. This makes many people use bicycles ...

Energy-efficient superconducting cable for future technologies

For connecting wind parks, for DC supply on ships, or for lightweight and compact high-current cabling in future electric airplanes: scientists of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a versatile superconducting ...

Storing energy with eggshells

Biowaste in the form of chicken eggshells has proved to be very effective for energy storage. This finding was made by an international team of researchers, including scientists of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) established ...

Chemical storage of renewable energies

In 2050, 80 percent of the electric power in Germany has to be based on renewable resources. To reach this goal, it is required to store electric power in the form of chemical energy carriers. Within the priority program ...

Particulate matter pollutes the air above Africa

Explosive population growth, urbanization and a growing economy – the air over West Africa is exposed to a lot of stress. However, so far there is hardly meaningful information on the effects on health, weather and climate. ...

Roadmap for cyber security research

In their secUnity roadmap, 30 renowned European IT security experts of the BMBF-funded secUnity collaboration outlined how digital threats on the European level can be responded to more efficiently in the future. Among these ...

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