NASA's Curiosity views first 'sun rays' on Mars

Martian sunsets are uniquely moody, but NASA's Curiosity rover captured one last month that stands out. As the sun descended over the horizon on Feb. 2, rays of light illuminated a bank of clouds. These "sun rays" are also ...

NASA's Perseverance rover shows off collection of Mars samples

Even space robots know what "pics or it didn't happen" means: NASA's Perseverance Mars rover provided a panorama of its recently completed sample depot—a big milestone for the mission and humanity's first collection of ...

Watch the latest water satellite unfold itself in space

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite launched into Earth orbit on Friday, Dec. 16, from Vandenberg Space Force Base in central California, and engineers are working to prepare the mission to begin measuring ...

Moon water imager integrated with NASA's Lunar Trailblazer

Lunar Trailblazer, NASA's mission led by Caltech in Pasadena, California to understand lunar water and the moon's water cycle, is one step closer to launching next year. Earlier this month, the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ...

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