NASA's Perseverance rover to begin building Martian sample depot

In the coming days, NASA's Perseverance rover is expected to begin building the first sample depot on another world. This will mark a crucial milestone in the NASA-ESA (European Space Agency) Mars Sample Return campaign, ...

NASA's Perseverance Rover investigates intriguing Martian bedrock

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has begun exploring an area the science team calls "Yori Pass" near the base of Jezero Crater's ancient river delta. They've been eager to explore the region for several months after spotting ...

NASA prepares to say 'farewell' to InSight spacecraft

The day is approaching when NASA's Mars InSight lander will fall silent, ending its history-making mission to reveal secrets of the Red Planet's interior. The spacecraft's power generation continues to decline as windblown ...

NASA's Lunar Flashlight ready to search for the Moon's water ice

It's known that water ice exists below the lunar regolith (broken rock and dust), but scientists don't yet understand whether surface ice frost covers the floors inside these cold craters. To find out, NASA is sending Lunar ...

NASA continues Psyche asteroid mission

NASA announced Friday the agency decided its Psyche mission will go forward, targeting a launch period opening on Oct. 10, 2023.

NASA and ESA agree on next steps to return Mars samples to Earth

The next step in the unprecedented campaign to return scientifically selected samples from Mars was made on Oct. 19 with a formal agreement between NASA and its partner ESA (European Space Agency). The two agencies will proceed ...

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