Intel, Micron sample 20nm NAND flash

Intel and Micron Technology today introduced a new, finer 20-nanometer (nm) process technology for manufacturing NAND flash memory. The new 20nm process produces an 8-gigabyte (GB) multi-level cell (MLC) NAND flash device, ...

Smart helmets save lives, improve rides

As technological advancements enable people to run faster, ride farther and hit harder, experts are using sensors to collect data that could reduce head trauma incidents for football, hockey, cycling and other sports.

Biofeedback games feed off human inputs

Gamers up to the challenge must conquer their health and improve their well-being by keeping calm as they navigate haunted houses, overcome obstacles and manage the fight-or-flight response.

Moore's Law Marches on at Intel

Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini today displayed a silicon wafer containing the world's first working chips built on 22nm process technology. The 22nm test circuits include both SRAM memory as well as logic circuits ...

Intel Launches Xeon 7500 processor series

Intel Corporation today culminated the transition to the company's award-winning "Nehalem" chip design with the launch of the Intel Xeon 7500 processor series.

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