The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is a research institute working in the area of global health statistics and evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle. The Institute is headed by Dr. Christopher J.L. Murray, a physician and health economist, and professor at the Department of Global Health, which is part of the School of Medicine and the School of Public Health. IHME's goal, as stated on the Institute's website, is "to identify the best strategies to build a healthier world. By measuring health, tracking program performance, finding ways to maximize health system impact, and developing innovative measurement systems, IHME provides a foundation for informed decision-making that ultimately will lead to better health globally." IHME conducts research and trains scientists, policymakers, and the public in health metrics concepts, methods, and tools, and its work includes judging the effectiveness and efficacy of health initiatives and national health systems. IHME's work seeks to be complementary to the United Nations' work in the World Health Organization in that it shares many tasks but is independent from pressure from member countries.


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Findings on education, malnutrition 'deeply disturbing'

Despite progress toward global education targets, a new study reveals that 1 in 10 women ages 20-24 in low- and middle-income countries had zero years of schooling in 2017, and 1 in 6 had not completed primary school.