Faster, easier way to access audiovisual assets

( -- Millions of hours of old shows sit collecting dust in the basements of TV and radio broadcasters. Digging through these audiovisual treasure troves is becoming faster and easier thanks to software developed ...

The internet of meetings

( -- Software created by European researchers is transforming business and education through the complete capture of the audio, video and textual record. It is the internet, for meetings.

Roadmap for robot helpers

The humble robot cleaning your floor heralds a wave of robot helpers, from miners to surgeons, that could be joining us in the coming decades. How should the industry prepare for these new markets?

Software's take on the light bulb joke

( -- It takes five men to change a light bulb*, even more to pack a shipping crate. After all, filling space is very hard. But a European project has developed tools to optimise packing problems in just a few ...

Haptic solution for modelling industrial designs

( -- Industrial design modelling, used to make prototypes of home appliances or mock-ups of car parts, could soon make the leap from the world of plaster, plastic and sticky tape into the digital domain thanks ...

Laser adds extra dimension to lab-on-chip

( -- A European research project has shown how to build optical sensors directly into the structure of labs-on-chips. The breakthrough paves the way for on-the-spot medical diagnostics.

Getting families and friends together again, virtually

( -- A fireside chat, sharing photos with granddad, a family get-together to play Monopoly on a Sunday afternoon? Digital media designed for the individual has hastened the demise of collective social events, ...

Easy-build wireless networks

( -- Networks that monitor life-threatening situations or improve environmental efficiencies will be easier and cheaper to develop and operate, following the creation of a single middleware solution for the entire ...

Submarine robots learn teamwork

New technology developed by European researchers will allow autonomous underwater vehicles to work together as a team. It increases the scope of submarine applications for autonomous vehicles. Even better, the technology ...

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