The Gladstone Institutes is comprised of three institutes in the San Francisco area which began in 1979. The Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease focuses on atherosclerosis and its complications. The Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology focuses on the origins of HIV/AID and development of treatment and prevention. The Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease focuses on Alzheimer's Disease and related aging factors. The Gladstone Institute is an independent center for research, however it is affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco. The Gladstone Institutes have entered into joint research ventures with Merck & Co. Inc to form the Center for Translational Research. The center's focus is to bring about rapid drug discoveries and to bridge the gap between traditional basic research and making available therapies to treat patient diseases.

1650 Owens Street San Francisco, CA 94158-2261

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3D shapes of viral proteins point to previously unknown roles

Viruses are tricky to keep up with. They evolve quickly and regularly develop new proteins that help them infect their hosts. These rapid shifts mean that researchers are still trying to understand a multitude of viral proteins ...

A key function for tight junctions in embryo models

As a human embryo grows, a set of molecules directs cells as they multiply and take on specific identities and spatial positions within the embryo. In one crucial step known as gastrulation, these signaling molecules guide ...

Study suggests catalyst for human brain evolution

More than a million years ago, large chunks of the human genome were rearranged—a chance event during egg or sperm formation that led to the deletion, duplication, or reversal of sections of DNA. Those structural variants, ...

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