Developing smarter, faster machine intelligence with light

Researchers at the George Washington University, together with researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the deep-tech venture startup Optelligence LLC, have developed an optical convolutional neural network ...

Study: Gen Z has the lowest financial literacy

Financial literacy is low within each of the five generations—the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z—but is the lowest among Gen Z, according to a new report by the TIAA Institute and the Global Financial ...

'Bliss' compound may hold out hope for autoimmune skin disease

A marijuana-like compound holds out promise as a new treatment for a severe autoimmune skin disease called skin lupus, according to a study published recently by a multicenter team including researchers at the George Washington ...

Archaeologist resurfaces stories from a sunken slave ship

A Portuguese ship carrying more than 400 enslaved people left Mozambique on Dec. 3, 1794, and set sail for Brazil, where the growing sugar economy demanded cheap labor. Shackled and packed like cargo beneath the ship's deck, ...

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