Family tree of 'boring' butterflies reveals they're anything but

Walk a short distance through the Amazon Rainforest, and you might witness what look like dead leaves launch from the ground and fly off into the understory. These masters of disguise are euptychiines, one of the most diverse ...

Luna moths found to use their tails solely for bat evasion

In a pair of complementary studies, researchers took a close look at Luna moth (Actias luna) tails through the eyes of birds and female moths to test the tails' role in predation and sexual selection. Scientists have known ...

Scientists discover hidden crab diversity among coral reefs

The Indo-West Pacific is the largest, most biodiverse marine ecosystem on Earth, and many of the species it supports have comparably wide ranges. Writing in The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin noted that "… many fish ...

Rodent extinctions in Hispaniola may have been caused by humans

The island of Hispaniola once had among the highest diversity of rodents in the Caribbean, supporting 11 species that coexisted for thousands of years. Today, only one rodent species remains within the island's two countries ...

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