Researchers discover the secret to bats' immunity

An international research team led by Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, has identified molecular and genetic mechanisms that allow bats to stay healthy while hosting viruses that kill other animals, according to a new study ...

Researchers discover new bat-borne virus related to Ebola

Researchers from Singapore's Duke-NUS Medical School, in collaboration with scientists in China, have identified and characterised a new genus of filovirus from a Rousettus bat in China. Their findings were published in the ...

It's all about the (stem cell) neighborhood

Stem cells have the ability to develop, or differentiate, into the many cell types in the body. They also serve as a repair system to replace aged or damaged cells. With their regenerative abilities, stem cells offer enormous ...

Unpacking asymmetric cell division

Stem cells are the basic material from which mature, specialised cells such as muscle and blood cells are produced—this process is known as differentiation. One way that stem cells do this without depleting themselves is ...

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