Decoding mega magnetic explosions outside the solar system

Neutron stars and black holes may be stellar corpses, but they are among the most active celestial objects. They produce some of the highest-energy radiation ever observed, and scientists have long puzzled over the physics ...

How race matters for the student loan crisis

In his new book, sociologist Jason Houle reveals how Black borrowers are disproportionately affected by the student loan crisis and shows how this disparity perpetuates social and economic inequality.

Understanding the cryptic role fungi play in ecosystems

When you say "fungi," most people think of mushrooms, showy fruiting bodies, but most fungi do not produce mushrooms. It is estimated that there are approximately 3 to 13 million fungal species on Earth, many of which are ...

Examining what killed the dinosaurs in depth

Determining what killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period has long been the topic of debate, as scientists set out to determine what caused the five mass extinction events that reshaped ...

A new theory of quantum subsystems

When studying a complex system, scientists identify smaller pieces called subsystems that they can make sense of. By studying subsystems and the correlations between them, they reconstruct an understanding of the whole.

Rare plants attract rare bees and birds in urban gardens

Urban gardens can be hotspots for biodiversity in cities, but little is known about what drives the biodiversity of species existing at the smallest frequencies, or rare biodiversity. Rare plant species in urban gardens attract ...

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