Curtin University (previously known as Curtin University of Technology) is an Australian university based in Perth, Western Australia, with additional campuses in regional Western Australia and at Miri, Sydney and Singapore. As of 2010, the university has a student enrolment of 46,634 with a FTE of 33,509, of whom 19,872 were onshore or offshore international students, and employed a staff of 3,020 (exclusive of casual and sessional academic staff). Prior to 1985, the university was called the Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT), formed in 1966. Its nucleus comprised the tertiary programs formerly conducted in the Perth Technical College which opened in 1900. In 1969, three more institutions were merged with WAIT: The Western Australian School of Mines (originally opened in 1902), the Muresk Agricultural College (dating from 1926) and schools of physiotherapy and occupational therapy in operation since the 1950s at Shenton Park. By 1976, it had expanded from 2,000 to more than 10,000 students. In 1987, the institute became the Curtin University of Technology under provisions of the WA Institute of Technology Amendment Act 1986.

78 Murray St., Perth, Western Australia, Australia 6000

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Asteroid rocks begin to reveal our solar system's origins

Curtin University researchers are among a global team of scientists who are discovering how our solar system came to be, by uncovering the secrets hidden within a 4.5-billion-year-old asteroid.

New approach could take space missions to new heights

New Curtin University research could change how space missions are conducted and lead to improvements in industries as diverse as environmental management, agriculture, disaster management and infrastructure inspection.

100-million-year-old bones reveal new species of pterosaur

New Curtin University-led research has identified 100-million-year-old fossilized bones discovered in western Queensland, Australia as belonging to a newly identified species of pterosaur, which was a formidable flying reptile ...

Research unlocks supernova stardust secrets

Curtin University-led research has discovered a rare dust particle trapped in an ancient extra-terrestrial meteorite that was formed by a star other than our sun.

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