The digital dark matter clouding AI in genome analysis

Artificial intelligence has entered our daily lives. First, it was ChatGPT. Now, it's AI-generated pizza and beer commercials. While we can't trust AI to be perfect, it turns out that sometimes we can't trust ourselves with ...

New shape-shifting antibiotics could fight deadly infections

In the United States alone, drug-resistant bacteria and fungi infect almost 3 million people per year and kill about 35,000. Antibiotics are essential and effective, but in recent years overuse has led to some bacteria developing ...

A new, sustainable source for a promising cancer killer

Plants produce all types of curious chemicals. Some deter predators. Some smell wonderful. Some even have medicinal value. One of these hidden gems is (–)-jerantinine A (JA), a molecule with remarkable anticancer properties, ...

A molecular machine's secret weapon exposed

RNAs are having a moment. The foundation of COVID-19 vaccines, they've made their way from biochemistry textbooks into popular magazines and everyday discussions. Entire companies have been launched that are dedicated to ...

New research on groundcherries bears new fruits

Over 34 million people in the U.S. don't have enough food. More diverse and adaptable crops are needed to address challenges in food production made worse by climate change. Small, sweet berries called groundcherries may ...

What shedding light on plant growth could mean for cancer

Understanding how plants process light is key to improving crop yields. Light helps plants know when to grow and flower at the right time. Plants find light using proteins called photoreceptors. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory ...

Decoding how a protein on the move keeps cells healthy

Cells produce proteins like little factories. But if they make too much at the wrong times it can lead to diseases like cancer, so they control production with a process called RNA interference (RNAi). As of July 2021, several ...

For plant geneticists, some genes are double the trouble

When plant geneticists find a gene that improves crop yields, they want to try to insert that same change into other crops. But Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Professor and HHMI Investigator Zachary Lippman cautions that ...

Stabilizing chromosomes to tackle tumors

Cells use RNA as a versatile tool to regulate the activity of their genes. Small snippets of RNA can fine-tune how much protein is produced from various genes; some small RNAs can shut genes off altogether. An enzyme called ...

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