The Achilles' heel of tendons

Tendons are the body's marionette strings, connecting bones to muscles that raise an eyebrow or propel us into a full run. That is, until an unusually forceful or awkward pull on the strings leaves us with a sprain, strain ...

New dual recognition mechanism discovered in tuberculosis

One third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), which leads to tuberculosis (TB), a leading cause of death world-wide. A new discovery, led by a team of researchers from Case Western ...

A heart beats to a different drummer (w/ Video)

Love, exercise and, new research shows, an infrared laser can make a heart beat faster. Scientists at Case Western Reserve University and Vanderbilt University found that pulsed light can pace contractions in an avian embryonic ...

If only a robot could be more like a cockroach

Studies have indicated that insects rely on their brains to respond to what they feel and see. But for the first time, researchers have shown a direct link between neurons at the center of an insect brain and changes in behavior. ...

Scientists discover 'smart' insulin molecule

For millions of Americans with Type-2 diabetes and inject insulin to control diabetes (with onset typically in adulthood) the associated risk of cancer is of increasing concern. Studies have demonstrated that obesity and ...

Physicists Identify New Kind of Star

( -- Stars don't exactly ease into retirement, and for some stellar objects, the twilight years just got more complicated.

Dark matter sleuths to design world's largest WIMP catcher

A team of researchers led by a Case Western Reserve University physicist is planning the world's largest, most sensitive experiment to catch the stuff of dark matter, stuff that's proved way beyond invisible.

Researchers demonstrate that messenger RNA are lost in translation

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine assistant professor in the Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Jeff Coller, Ph.D., and his team discovered that messenger RNA (mRNA) predominately degrade on ribosomes, fundamentally ...

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