The British Antarctica Survey (BAS) traces its roots to post World War II and was officially formed in 1962 and headquartered in Cambridge, U.K. The BAS has five permanent bases in the British Antarctic Territory and two bases in South Georgia. BAS headquarters supplies office, equipment, scientific labs and research materials for scientific inquiry into the natural resources and geography of the Antarctic.

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 DET, United Kingdom

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Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica calves new iceberg

A large iceberg (380 km2), about the size of the Isle of Wight, has broken off the 150m-thick Brunt Ice Shelf. It broke off after a crack suddenly appeared in the ice shelf a few weeks ago. The final break happened in the ...

Drones validate walrus counts in satellite images from space

In the first successful attempt to calibrate walrus counts from satellite imagery, scientists used drones to validate animal counts in Svalbard, Norway. On this International Day for Biological Diversity, the researchers ...