Early land plants evolved from freshwater algae, fossils reveal

The world may need to start thinking differently about plants, according to a new report in the journal Science by researchers who took a fresh look at spore-like microfossils with characteristics that challenge our conventional ...

Laser guided codes advance single pixel terahertz imaging

The universe is awash in terahertz (THz) waves, as harmless as they are abundant. But unlike other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, THz has proven to be extremely difficult to manipulate in order to capture novel ...

Team uses quantum sensors to reveal how Weyl photocurrents flow

Quantum sensors can be used to reveal a surprising new mechanism for converting light into electricity in Weyl semimetals, Boston College (BC) Assistant Professor of Physics Brian Zhou and colleagues report in the journal ...

Spectator rage: The dark side of professional sports

Preventing violent outbreaks of "spectator rage", similar to the deadly riots that broke out following a soccer game in Egypt, requires assessment and action by sports team owners and stadium managers, according to a report ...

Scientists grow 'nanonets' able to snare added energy transfer

Using two abundant and relatively inexpensive elements, Boston College chemists have produced nanonets, a flexible webbing of nano-scale wires that multiplies surface area critical to improving the performance of the wires ...

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