Bocconi University (Italian: Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi) is a private university in Milan, Italy. Bocconi provides education in the fields of economics, finance, law, management, political science, public administration and computer science. SDA Bocconi, the university's graduate business school, offers MBA, Executive MBA, and DBA programs.


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The dark side of loan guarantee programs for SMEs

There is always a downside. Even for loan guarantee programs for small businesses, launched during financial crises to stave off the drying up of credit, particularly likely in periods of recession. It turns out these programs ...

Study highlights the impact of terrorist violence on education

A recent study by Joseph-Simon Görlach of Bocconi University, Milan, in collaboration with Marco Alfano of Lancaster University, has highlighted the severe consequences of terrorism on education in Kenya. The paper, titled ...

The uneven results of anticorruption efforts across countries

When fighting corruption, countries often rely too much on repression and forget about prevention measures, which are frequently inadequate or nonexistent. Furthermore, despite the progress made in implementation of the main ...

How to start a successful innovation ecosystem

The emergence of informal voluntary organizations capable of triggering "coopetition" where sheer competition and poor resource management prevailed, can be the key to tackling the hurdles that prevent the establishment of ...

Even a single negative review can sink a good product, says study

Online retailers have every reason to be concerned about negative reviews, as they severely reduce the appeal of a product. An extensive study by Marton Varga of Bocconi's Department of Marketing and Paulo Albuquerque (INSEAD), ...

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