Agrarian landscapes have a strong influence on biodiversity

Human interventions increasingly threaten the habitat of many plant and animal species. A project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF now aims to provide fundamental insights for countering the loss of biodiversity and ...

European team creates universal 'language' for space science

A consortium of European space scientists has succeeded in establishing a common data hub that allows the comparison of data from numerous space missions. A task that until now was hampered by different data processing protocols ...

New method makes space weather easier to predict

Scientists can now gain a better understanding of space weather – the dreaded solar winds and flares – thanks to the development of high spatial resolution observation and computing methods. For the first time, it will ...

Discursive Politics: Language with a Spin

A project sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund FWF has made a detailed investigation on what viewers understand and how they evaluate the statements of politicians during televised debates. To this effect, software-assisted ...

Stable Thanks to Dynamics - DNA Component Resists UV Radiation

( -- Complex computer simulations have, for the first time, allowed scientists to examine in detail the processes that help to ensure the stability of DNA when exposed to UV light. The findings, achieved primarily ...

No common denominator in international taxation discourse

Large companies that sell their products and services worldwide, but do not pay income taxes on revenues generated in countries other than their own, are the reason why many are calling for new tax regulations. For legal ...

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