The American Geophysical Union, (AGU) is a world-wide scientific community for the advancement and research of Earth and Space as applied to human beings. AGU is a technical society with approximately 50,000 members comprised of scientists, teachers and students. AGU conducts conferences, meetings, publishes journals, books and weekly newsletters on geophysics and related subject matter. AGU sponsors education programs and provides on-line public access to a great deal of its work. AGU sponsors public outreach to the media for the purposes of improving science-related writing to the general public.

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Unique microbes found in extreme environment

Researchers who were looking for organisms that eke out a living in some of the most inhospitable soils on Earth have found a hardy few. A new DNA analysis of rocky soils in the martian-like landscape on some volcanoes in ...

Elusive matter found to be abundant far above Earth

( -- Cold plasma has been well-hidden. Space physicists have long lacked clues to how much of this electrically charged gas exists tens of thousands of miles above Earth and how the stuff may impact our planet's ...

Improved imaging offers new insight into Mount Etna

With a technique called seismic tomography, researchers use the shape of traveling seismic waves from nearby or distant earthquakes to create 3D images of inner Earth, allowing them to "see" hundreds of kilometers below the ...

Radioactive isotopes trace hidden Arctic currents

The Arctic Ocean is warming four times faster than the rest of the world's oceans, a trend that could potentially spill over to the rest of the world in the form of altered weather patterns and other climate consequences. ...

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