The American Geophysical Union, (AGU) is a world-wide scientific community for the advancement and research of Earth and Space as applied to human beings. AGU is a technical society with approximately 50,000 members comprised of scientists, teachers and students. AGU conducts conferences, meetings, publishes journals, books and weekly newsletters on geophysics and related subject matter. AGU sponsors education programs and provides on-line public access to a great deal of its work. AGU sponsors public outreach to the media for the purposes of improving science-related writing to the general public.

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Shallow waters make the best carbon sinks, researchers find

Marine phytoplankton take up atmospheric carbon and carry it to the seafloor when they die and sink (a process known as organic carbon sedimentation). This biological carbon pump is a powerful part of Earth's carbon cycle, ...

Volunteers track Parisian pollution with the help of tree bark

Along the streets of Paris, more than 40,000 tall, leafy plane trees provide picturesque backdrops, offer shade to city dwellers, and improve air quality, among numerous other benefits. Since 2016, some of these trees have ...