A deeper dive into wintry, carbon-absorbing Antarctic waters

Every year as the austral winter sets in, frigid Antarctic air blasts the Southern Ocean. The chill dissipates the warmth of the ocean's surface water, and cold, dense layers form in the sea's upper reaches. Known as Subantarctic ...

New land creation on waterfronts is increasing, study finds

Humans are artificially expanding cities' coastlines by extending industrial ports and creating luxury residential waterfronts. Developers have added over 2,350 square kilometers of land (900 square miles, or about 40 Manhattans) ...

A new measure of roughness could advance earthquake geophysics

When two rocks interact with each other in a fault zone, the roughness of their surfaces could influence the outcome, including when they cause earthquakes. Still, the underlying mechanics of this relationship remain unclear.

How much greenhouse gas do tropical soils emit?

Nitrogen changes form as it cycles between air, soil, and life. Soils, for example, emit nitrogen either as inert dinitrogen (N2), which dominates our atmosphere, or as nitric oxide (NO) or nitrous oxide (N2O), the greenhouse ...

China's Lunar New Year exodus cools major cities, study shows

During the week-long Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, work is suspended, businesses close and nearly 300 million people leave cities to join their families in rural areas for traditional gatherings. The ...

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