Temporary coating may help protect homes from wildfires

When a forest or brushland wildfire threatens to engulf nearby neighborhoods, some homeowners might opt to quickly spray the entire exterior of their house with a temporary fire-retardant coating. Now, a team of Agricultural ...

New trap better at snaring stable flies

A new stable fly trap, now on the market, catches more flies than the standard trap, according to a recent Agricultural Research Service (ARS) study.

Taking the temperature of water-thirsty plants

When crops get thirsty, they get hot. Scientists can use canopy temperatures to determine if crops are water stressed. An Agricultural Research Service engineer in Colorado has found a way to simplify this process for farmers. ...

Plant compounds studied for food safety chores

Though the price makes you wince, you might just buy that bottle of your favorite olive oil anyway. Perhaps it's exactly what you want for the salad dressing you're making tonight and for your special stir-fry on the weekend.

A study of switchgrass for home heating in the Northeast

(Phys.org) —President Barack Obama wants U.S. scientists to pursue an "all-of-the-above" strategy in developing new sources of domestic energy. Agricultural Research Service agronomist Paul Adler is providing complete cost-benefit ...

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