Digital systems smarten up water networks

About a quarter of all drinking water is lost on its way to consumers. A new type of online platform equipped with networked measuring devices, sensors, and pumps, promises to provide the information needed to improve efficiency.

Clean power from waste heat

Siemens has developed a technology to use waste heat, which previously had gone unused, to generate electricity. The solution employs silicone oils, which have a lower enthalpy of vaporization than water, and is needed because ...

Technology to preserve the pleasant smell of coffee

One of the most popular German coffee varieties – Dallmayr Prodomo – is roasted, ground, and packaged in Berlin. To maintain the high quality standard, the producer seeks to ensure that the production facilities have ...

Safe lithium batteries with a long service life

With the help of new materials and additional improvements, researchers at Siemens have managed to make lithium-ion batteries safer and extend their service life. As part of the joint research project Intrinsically Safe Battery ...

High-tech for huge, mobile ferris wheels

The world's largest transportable Ferris wheel is equipped with control and drive technology from Siemens. The 750-ton, 80-meter tall steel giant was built by the Munich-based company Maurer German Wheels according to a plan ...

New module lowers the cost of offshore wind power

A new AC power connection module for near-shore wind turbines is expected to cut the cost of accessing the grid for such installations by as much as 40 percent. This solution from Siemens thus also reduces the cost of energy ...

Honeypots versus hackers

Production processes are becoming increasingly interconnected with digital communications technologies, opening new gateways for criminals operating on the Internet. The IT Security Technology Field at Siemens Corporate Technology ...

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