March 23, 2023

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New report: How the pandemic compounds education pipeline challenges

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The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) has released new analysis based on updated data that suggests potentially greater long-term public school enrollment challenges, as well as recommendations for educational leaders and policymakers as they continue to grapple with the impacts of COVID-19 on the K-12 pipeline. This new analysis focuses on public school enrollment changes since the pandemic and represents the most up-to-date examination of post-pandemic patterns.

Key takeaways:

Additional state-level public school enrollment and high school graduate data obtained since the 10th edition of Knocking at the College Door, published in 2020, are also available with this release.

More information: Peace Bransberger, How the Pandemic Compunds Education Pipeline Challenges (2023)

Provided by Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)

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