Researchers name new insect for 'Harry Potter' creature

The series of "Harry Potter" fantasy books was the inspiration for the naming of a new insect discovered by NDSU researchers. The species of stink bug was named "Thestral incognitus," after the imaginary thestrals created ...

New wasp species with a giant stinger discovered in Amazonia

Researchers from the University of Turku, Finland, have discovered a new wasp species in the Amazon with an exceptionally large stinger that surprised even the scientists. The new insect, which is found in the extremely diverse ...

Citizen scientists help discover new mantis species

James Cook University researcher Matthew Connors has discovered two new praying mantis species with the help of citizen scientists. The finds have been published in Zootaxa.

An extinct species of scops owl has been discovered in Madeira

An international team of scientists, including some from Majorca and the Canary Islands, have described a new type of fossil scops owl, the first extinct bird on the archipelago of Madeira (Portugal). Otus mauli, which was ...

The discovery of five new species of vine snakes in India

Vine snakes are among the most common snakes in peninsular India, found even in many peri-urban areas wherever there is some greenery. This species was believed to be widespread throughout the drier parts of the peninsula ...

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