The fate of a lake after a dramatic mining disaster

On August 4, 2014, Mount Polley Mine in British Columbia, Canada, made international news when a dam failure released millions of cubic meters of tailings—hazardous by-products of mining operations—into the watershed. ...

The shapes of shrimp farms affect their groundwater pollution

Coastal aquaculture has grown rapidly over the past few decades, and although ocean-based food supplies have increased, concerns about the environmental impacts of aquaculture have as well. For example, research has found ...

Cooperation rewards water utilities

Mark Twain once said, "Whisky is for drinking, and water is for fighting over!" But what if cooperation yielded more benefit than just going it alone, when it comes to urban water utilities?

A probabilistic model for classifying temporary rivers

Temporary rivers are streams that can dry up during portions of the year. Although they are common in many environments and have important effects on the local ecosystem, compared to streams that consistently flow, temporary ...

US forests provide 83 million people with half their water

Forested lands across the U.S. provide 83 million people with at least half of their water, according to a broad new study of surface water sources for more than 5,000 public water systems. 125 million people, or about 38% ...

Trees wearing accelerometers help track snowstorms

Knowing how tree canopies affect snowpack is a key part of predicting water availability. Despite this importance, hydrologists are still working to accurately quantify how snow "intercepted" by tree canopies affects snowpack. ...

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