Dipole-dipole interactions: Observing a new clock systematic shift

In a new study published in Science today, JILA and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Fellow Jun Ye and his research team have taken a significant step in understanding the intricate and collective light-atom ...

Autonomous synthesis robot uses AI to speed up chemical discovery

Chemists of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) have developed an autonomous chemical synthesis robot with an integrated AI-driven machine learning unit. Dubbed "RoboChem," the benchtop device can outperform a human chemist ...

Astrophysical jet caught in a 'speed trap'

The science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke selected his own seven wonders of the world in a BBC television series in 1997. The only astronomical object he included was SS 433. It had attracted attention already in the late ...

Teaching nature to break man-made chemical bonds

For the first time, scientists have engineered an enzyme that can break stubborn man-made bonds between silicon and carbon that exist in widely-used chemicals known as siloxanes, or silicones. The discovery is a first step ...

Tiny ant species disrupts lion's hunting behavior

In a study published in the journal Science, a team of scientists report that a tiny and seemingly innocuous invasive ant species is changing tree cover in an East African wildlife area, making it harder for lions, the world's ...

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