Science China Earth Sciences is cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and published by Science China Press. This academic journal is committed to publishing high-quality, original results in both basic and applied research. Science China Earth Sciences is published in both print and electronic editions. Coverage includes research papers reporting on important original results in all areas of earth sciences; reviews summarizing representative results and achievements in a particular topic or an area; commentary on the current state of research, and advice on new research directions.

Science China Press

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Chinese scientists create new global wetland suitability map

Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth. Yet with increasing urbanization and agricultural expansion, wetlands around the globe are in danger. Better mapping of wetlands worldwide will help in their protection.

When tectonics killed everything

A new paper reveals how the worst extinction in Earth's history may have been tied to the formation of Supercontinent Pangea. The catastrophe wasn't triggered by an impact from above—unlike another well-known extinction—but ...

First ancient cultivated rice discovered in Central Asia

Rice has always been the most important food in Asia and the world. About half of the population on earth use rice as their main food source. The origin, spread, evolution, and ecological adaptation of cultivated rice are ...

A review of ridge subduction, magmatism and metallogenesis

Generally speaking, 'ridge subduction' involves subduction of spreading oceanic ridges, aseismic ridges or oceanic plateaus and inactive arc ridges, and this common and important geological process has become one of the hot ...

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