New solutions for addressing systemic risks

Systemic risks like climate change, cybersecurity and pandemics are characterized by high complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, and effects beyond the system in which they originate. That's why novel research approaches and ...

Climate engineering: Modelling projections oversimplify risks

Climate change is gaining prominence as a political and public priority. But many ambitious climate action plans foresee the use of climate engineering technologies whose risks are insufficiently understood. In a new publication, ...

Owner training key to reducing risk of dog bite injuries

Dog attacks have been on the rise and it may the owners who need to go back to school. A new study published in Risk Analysis: An International Journal investigated what leads dog owners to train their pets using positive ...

Managing the risk of aggressive dog behavior

Aggressive behaviour in pet dogs is a serious problem for dog owners across the world, with bite injuries representing a serious risk to both people and other dogs. New research by the University of Bristol has explored the ...

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