The Review of Economics and Statistics is a 96-year-old general journal of applied (especially quantitative) economics. Edited at the Harvard Kennedy School, The Review has published some of the most important articles in empirical economics. From time to time, The Review also publishes collections of papers or symposia devoted to a single topic of methodological or empirical interest.

MIT Press

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Q&A: How tea may have saved lives in 18th century England

Drinking tea can have several health benefits. There is seemingly a brew for everything from sleep to inflammation to digestion. In 18th century England, however, drinking tea may have saved a person's life, and it likely ...

Air pollution via wildfire smoke takes toll on labor markets

Wildfires emit large amounts of smoke containing harmful pollutants that can drift for hundreds or thousands of miles away from their source, as shown by this summer's Canadian wildfires, which created air quality problems ...

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