Comparative analyses of American and Asian lotus genomes

Nelumbo is a unique genus of Nelumbonaceae (lotus), which comprises two extant species: N. nucifera Gaertn. widely distributed in Asia and northern Australia, and N. lutea Pers. which is distributed in America. These two ...

Wild tomato genome will benefit domesticated cousins

A team of researchers has assembled a reference genome for Solanum lycopersicoides, a wild relative of the cultivated tomato, and developed web-based tools to help plant researchers and breeders improve the crop.

Researchers gain insights into the genome of European mistletoe

Researchers around the world are working on decoding the genomes of plants. Detailed knowledge on biochemical processes in plants can provide important contributions to agriculture, environmental protection and medicine. ...

Grain size discovery boosts sorghum potential

Researchers at The University of Queensland are optimistic that the value and versatility of one of the world's top crops will be improved following the discovery of genes which could increase the grain size of sorghum.

Photosynthesis model simulates 10–20 percent yield increase

A team from the University of Illinois has developed a model that treats photosynthesis as a dynamic process rather than an activity that either is or is not happening. This allowed the group to examine the impacts of the ...

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