Personnel Psychology publishes psychological research centered around people at work. Articles span the full range of human resource management and organizational behavior topics, including job analysis, selection and recruiting, training and development, performance appraisal and feedback, compensation and rewards, careers, strategic human resource management, work design, global and cross-cultural issues, organizational climate, work attitudes and behaviors, motivation, teams, and leadership. Research conducted at multiple levels of analysis, including individual, team, and organizational levels, are welcome. Published articles include original empirical research, theory development, meta-analytic reviews, and narrative literature reviews.

Impact factor
2.926 (2011)

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Study reveals hiring bias against former business owners

Nearly 50% of new businesses fail within the first five years. Many former entrepreneurs apply for 9-to-5 jobs to get back on their feet, but new research reveals an unexpected obstacle: hiring bias.

How to make 'Jeopardy!' work for you at the office

Showing strength and confidence is often touted as the way to get things done at work, but a new study from the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business suggests that people might have more success if they were less ...

Show, don't tell: Attracting a diverse workforce

Over the last decade, a growing number of companies and organizations have included messages about diversity and inclusion as part of their employee recruitment efforts. A study published recently in Personnel Psychology ...

For leaders, playing favorites can be a smart strategy

As anyone who's worked in an office, a factory, or any other workplace can attest, sometimes bosses play favorites. Whether it's assigning the most comfortable cubicles or the best parking spots, or deciding whose opinions ...

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