Reconfigurable metasurfaces provide nanoscale light control

Researchers have designed electromechanically reconfigurable ultrathin optical elements that can be controlled and programmed on a pixel-by-pixel level. These versatile metasurfaces could offer a new chip-based way to achieve ...

Although counter-intuitive, noise can help image reconstruction

People are always eager to obtain clear imaging results through some turbid media, so a variety of methods have been developed to filter out noise and strive to improve the quality of imaging, as if noise is born as the evilest ...

New cold atom source lays groundwork for portable quantum devices

Although quantum technology has proven valuable for highly precise timekeeping, making these technologies practical for use in a variety of environments is still a key challenge. In an important step toward portable quantum ...

Graphene drum: A new phonon laser design

Professor Konstantin Arutyunov of the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE), together with Chinese researchers, has developed a graphene-based mechanical resonator, in which coherent emission ...

3D holographic head-up display could improve road safety

Researchers have developed the first LiDAR-based augmented reality head-up display for use in vehicles. Tests on a prototype version of the technology suggest that it could improve road safety by 'seeing through' objects ...

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