A persistent influence of supernovae on biodiversity

The number of exploding stars (supernovae) has significantly influenced marine life's biodiversity during the last 500 million years. This is the essence of a new study published in Ecology and Evolution by Henrik Svensmark, ...

Galaxy changes classification as jet changes direction

A team of international astronomers have discovered a galaxy that has changed classification due to unique activity within its core. The galaxy, named PBC J2333.9-2343, was previously classified as a radio galaxy, but the ...

How NASA's Roman Space Telescope will rewind the universe

A new simulation shows how NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will turn back the cosmic clock, unveiling the evolving universe in ways that have never been possible before when it launches by May 2027. With its ability ...

Astronomers measure the heartbeat of spinning stars

An international team of scientist have used the MeerKAT radio telescope to observe the pulsing heartbeat of the universe as neutron stars are born and form swirling lightning storms which last for millions of years.

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