Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of evolutionary biology and phylogenetics. The journal is edited by D.E. Wildman. The journal is indexed in:

Academic Press
United States
Impact factor
3.871 (2008)

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Scientists discover hidden crab diversity among coral reefs

The Indo-West Pacific is the largest, most biodiverse marine ecosystem on Earth, and many of the species it supports have comparably wide ranges. Writing in The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin noted that "… many fish ...

7 new spider species discovered in caves in Israel

In a new study conducted by researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Madison-Wisconsin, seven new species of funnel web spiders (Agelenidae, Tegenaria), unique to caves in Israel, were discovered. ...

Resurrecting a 'lost' coral species

With about one-third of the world's corals currently under threat of extinction due to climate change, Curtin researchers have made the encouraging discovery of a "lost" species of coral that had been hidden for more than ...

Doubling the number of species of hand-standing spotted skunks

Picture a skunk. You're probably thinking of a stocky animal, around the size of a housecat, black with white stripes, like Pepé Le Pew. That describes North America's most common skunk, the striped skunk, but they also ...

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