Researchers identify new species of tuft-tailed rat in Madagascar

In an international effort, researchers have identified a previously unknown tuft-tailed rat (genus Eliurus) taxon in the Montagne d'Ambre forest in northern Madagascar, underscoring the region's extraordinary biodiversity. ...

Scientists discover hidden crab diversity among coral reefs

The Indo-West Pacific is the largest, most biodiverse marine ecosystem on Earth, and many of the species it supports have comparably wide ranges. Writing in The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin noted that "… many fish ...

Resurrecting a 'lost' coral species

With about one-third of the world's corals currently under threat of extinction due to climate change, Curtin researchers have made the encouraging discovery of a "lost" species of coral that had been hidden for more than ...

In fly DNA, the footprint of a fly virus

( -- In a curious evolutionary twist, several species of a commonly studied fruit fly appear to have incorporated genetic material from a virus into their genomes, according to new research by University at Buffalo ...

There may be more bird species in the tropics than we know

Study of a perky little bird suggests there may be far more avian species in the tropics than those identified so far. After a genetic study of the White-crowned Manakin, scientists say it's not just one species and one ...

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